Why Does Bitcoin Have Value?

Why Does Bitcoin Have Value

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are often touted as an alternative to centralized fiat currencies such as the USD. However, many wonder, “why does bitcoin have value” in the first place?

Can I use crypto as payment?

crypto as a payment

The main reason why Satoshi Nakamoto even created Bitcoin in the first place was to make “the internet’s money.” However, crypto has been so widely used as a trading asset and store-of-value that one tends to forget its utility as a transfer-of-value.

How long does it take to mine 1 bitcoin?

how long does it take to mine 1 bitcoin

When miners mine BTC, they essentially use their ASICs to solve cryptographically hard puzzles to add blocks to the Bitcoin blockchain. In return, they get a block reward, which is currently worth 6.25 BTC.

How To Start Bitcoin Mining?

bitcoin mining

One of the core functions at the heart of Bitcoin is mining. Mining is responsible for everything that happens inside the Bitcoin network; it is also crucial from an overall security perspective

Q2 2022 Crypto Market Review


Welcome to CoinSmart’s Q2, 2022 crypto market review. The overall market cap has dropped by a staggering 57.25%, from $2.186T to $934B. Let’s look at how some of the biggest coins fared during the market.

What is Bitcoin and how does it work?

what is bitcoin

Bitcoin is a digital asset that allows two parties to transact without going through an intermediary. Blockchain technology and a peer-to-peer network allow Bitcoin to easily confirm transactions while preventing double-spending.

Is Bitcoin dead in 2022? Let’s take a look

is bitcoin dead

Bitcoin has had a rocky few months, to say the least. In 2 months between April 22, 2022, and June 22, 2022, the overall crypto market had lost $1 trillion of its overall valuation. As such, people are frantically searching “Bitcoin dead” on Google. Well, the short answer is – no. Let us tell you why.

Debunking the biggest Bitcoin myths

bitcoin myths

Bitcoin is one of the most exciting asset classes in the world. However, it remains misunderstood and shrouded in mystery despite all the mainstream coverage. Today, let’s debunk some of the most prominent Bitcoin myths.

4 Things To Do In A Crypto Bear Market

crypto bear market

In traditional finance, a “bear market” happens when the overall market cap drops by 20%. However, the exact definition may not apply to a market as volatile as crypto.