Cryptocurrency Converter Calculator.

See the value of crypto in dollars using our real time cryptocurrency conversion calculator.

Use Our Crypto Calculator
To Convert Quickly & Easily

Instantly convert between CAD or USD to popular cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Litecoin, and more!

1 BTC = $7211.885186787826 USD
$1 USD = 0.00013866 BTC

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Market Price and History.

Markets shift quickly and the value of your crypto could be different from what it was a few hours ago. Have a look at the real time price history below to better understand how coins are trending.



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Forget about trading pairs. With one click, you can trade between coins without needing to convert to cash beforehand—just one example of convenience with CoinSmart.

Crypto in the palm of your hand. Access your account 24/7.

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