What Is Double Spending?
What is double spending? How does it work, and how can you prevent them? This article examines the double spending problem and how it can be prevented.
Hardware Wallet vs Software Wallet
Crypto wallets can be broadly divided into hardware wallets and software wallets. They come with a specific set of features and security measures.
Blockchain vs Hashgraph vs DAGs – Which is the best DLT?
Did you know that the blockchain is only one of the many implementations of distributed ledger technologies (DLTs)? In this blog, let’s acquaint ourselves with the three main DLTs – Blockchain, Hashgraph, and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).
What is Web 3.0? The Internet Of The Future
Multi-billion dollar companies dominate the internet as we know it today. These companies have an incredible amount of power over the kind of data that goes on their platform. Web 3.0 breaks this monopoly and gives its users the power of privacy and content ownership.
Blockchains in Banking and Finance
Traditional financial institutions and financial applications of blockchain technology may seem diametrically opposed, but in actuality there is significant opportunity for mutual growth.
Are You A Crypto Trader, Gambler, Or A Spectator?
Within the Cryptocurrency trading world there are a variety of methods or mindsets to buying and selling cryptocurrency. Generally these fall under three types of traders/mindsets; a trader, gamber or a spectator.
Ripple Helping Shape Crypto’s Future in India
If implemented and integrated successfully, India could be a significant model to other developing countries that hope to one day break the bonds of traditional banking and put financial power in the hands of the people.
How Coinsmart is in Sync With the Current State of Crypto Regulation in Canada
We wanted to take a minute to share with you what is going on in the crypto market in Canada on the regulation side of things. We will share our view on regulation generally, as well as the view of the current recommended regulations in direct response from the fallout of exchanges like QuadrigaCX and Einstein within the Canadian market.
Should You Be Worried About the Villainization of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain?
Can you believe in blockchain but not believe in crypto? This article explores the caveats between the two technologies and how they are pushing the boundaries of the fintech world.